I've been revisiting a lot of old interests lately. It's been fun! For example, I discovered I STILL really like rocks! Who would have thought, right??! But they're so cool! Opals especially. So shiny. I'll have to figure out what to do with my old rock collection from when I was a kid. Maybe someday when I have kids I'll go scatter the rocks in the backyard and see if they discover any of the awesome ones.
But anyway, that's not really where I was going with this post. Nope nope nope. What I really wanted to do was share some old fun memories on my blog here.
Not really sure why. Just cuz I randomly remembered them.
I've always been a really creative person. I've always had a big imagination. Recently I've been wondering, why is that?
Well, maybe it could be because of the media I was exposed to as a child? I remember watching stuff like Fantasia, Little Nemo, The Snow Queen. But that was just the stuff I picked out for myself at the video store. It's not like my parents picked it out for me. They didn't force me to watch creative stuff, I just picked it out.
So I guess I just always had weird tastes. But I digress.
There was some stuff my mom wouldn't let me watch. Like Power Rangers. Because the one time I did I kicked my big brother in the face.
When I was about 7 I became obsessed with the cartoon "Sailor Moon". I had to watch it every day at 4:30 or else my life wasn't worth living.
4:00 was always a painful time.
Because I had to wait a full half hour for Sailor Moon to come on.
And they always had not very appealing shows on right before, like Captain Planet or Thundercats.
There was this one time though, when they decided to air something different. Something
good. Though I didn't realize it at first.
It was called Ronin Warriors. It took me a few episodes before I figured out that it was good.
But soon I was hooked.
Before I knew it I was running around with the little neighbor boy pretending to be
Lady Kyra. She was so cool. She had GREAT HAIR. GREAT EYE MAKEUP. And REALLY COOL NINJA SWORDS. And she was so pretty!
What little girl WOULDN'T want to be her??
Lady Kyra was a tragic heroine- forced to be a villain by the Evil Emperor Talpa.
All of the other bad guys were jealous of her. Which only made her more awesome.
Lady Kyra's plight was relatable to any little girl with too much energy and time to spare.
When she wasn't being evil she was sitting quietly in her room whimpering to herself about how she couldn't understand why she was being evil.
Which made sense to me.
But, that didn't last forever. Pretty soon I had to learn how to shut up and be quiet because there was a new baby in the house- my little brother. And if ANYBODY woke him up- ohhh they would rue the day. They would be wishing they were never born.
Everybody thought he was a cute little angel:
But I had him pegged:
That was ok though.
It didn't really bother me that he was evil. Since, you know, I had been pretending to be the Tragically Evil Lady Kyra this entire time. Maybe villainy just ran in the family.
It has actually come in very handy having a little brother, especially now that he's a lot taller than me.