Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Grew Tomatoes

It's a miracle. Seriously. I just planted these seeds in the ground,  AND THEN THEY GREW. That never happens to me.

I think all these old people and their green thumbs are rubbing off on me.  We just talk about gardening all day, and now I can't stop doing it. They keep giving me all these good ideas and stuff. And look look! The homemade tomatoes are so much more red then the store bought! (as you can see with the sliced tomatoes- the ones on the left are home grown and the ones on the right are store bought.)  And they taste way better!
I could get used to this!

Did you know tomatoes are nightshade plants? Nightshade, as in the poison that they used to use in the dark ages. Nightshade, like they kind women used to put in their eyes so their pupils would be bigger. So if you ever feel weird after eating tomatoes, you probably have an allergy to nightshade. 

Which I wouldn't blame you. Since they kill people with nightshade.

Just a little tidbit for you.


Out of all the tomatoes, my favorites were the Cherokees (full size) and the Sunsweet (mini, orange), Tumbling Tom (mini, yellow), and Cherry tomatoes. They made great pasta salad, which is a staple in my house. So I think I'll be doing those ones next year. 

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